Analysis of Urban Regeneration in terms of Physical Dimension Case Study: Bojnourd City

Document Type : Article extracted From phd dissertation


1 PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Shirvan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shirvan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan, Iran



Extended Abstract
Inefficient contexts in cities are textures that have been formed and developed over a long period of time and are trapped by today's technology blockade. While such textures, despite their potentials and strengths, have faced many changes over time. The central texture of Bojnourd city plays the most important commercial and economic center of it. In the current situation, the inefficient condition of physical texture, excessive worn-out of old buildings, interference of pedestrian and roadway, lack of parking and green space and leisure areas, lack of public service centers such as suitable accommodation, lack of appropriate and sufficient health services have gradually reduced the ability to provide the demands of the residents and so lead to guide the citizens and residents to find the answers to their various needs in other urban areas. Resolving challenges and problems of textures according to the needs of residents, trying to restore the indigenous population and rehabilitating the textures based on the characteristics of the residents, identifying these texture, increasing the income of households living in these areas, providing a sewage collection system and so on can justify the importance of dealing with worn-out textures. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the regeneration of the central and worn-out texture of Bojnourd city from the perspective of the physical dimension and to examine its role in organizing the texture. In this regard, it evaluates and evaluates the physical dimension indicators to obtain their desirability, and finally, in line with the above goal, it provides a strategy for regeneration in urban planning and rehabilitation.
The research in terms of application of results and method is an applied and   descriptive-analytical one, respectively. Data and information were collected in the theoretical framework from library and documentary sources, and in the information analysis section from the field method with questionnaire tools. The statistical population of the study included urban managers and experts specializing in the subject and urban studies and management. The reliability of the research was confirmed based on the face and content method and the validity was obtained with Cronbach's alpha. Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire was 0.879, which indicates a relatively desirable validity. T-test and ANP network analysis process model have been used for data analysis.
Results and discussion
After examining and analyzing the components of explaining urban regeneration from the perspective of sustainable development in the physical dimension, it can be concluded that in urban regeneration in the studied area, less attention has been paid to physical dimension indicators. The highest average values among the indices were assigned to housing resilience variables that indicates the focus of urban regeneration on physical issues. So, it has led to the strengthening of residential units in terms of structure, in view point of the supervision of the relevant authorities, including the engineering system, consulting engineers, the municipality and the Road and Urban Development Organization through renovation. It should be noted that in the discussion of regeneration, high consideration has been focused on improving the performance of urban housing units, organizing disturbing urban uses, improving access to public and suburban transportation, improving land compatibility with each other and increasing residential per capita, but these must be further processed to achieve the desired standards. And by addressing these issues superficially, it cannot be acknowledged that the problems have been solved. Also, the lowest average was belonged to new land uses, including the lack of multiple land uses and multi-purpose parking for the well-being of citizens. At the same time, not much has been done in the field of traffic junctions, as well as the creation of open urban spaces and the transformation of historical environments into sources of income for the city and the neighborhood.
Based on a review of the theoretical foundations of the research and also its literature and concepts, it can be concluded that to create added value in inefficient and worn-out textures, requires a comprehensive and holistic view of economic, social, cultural, physical and functional dimensions in line with the regenerative approach. Therefore, the present study, which used the opinions of experts to measure the condition of the central texture of Bojnourd city in terms of sustainable regeneration. The results indicated that in the urban regeneration plan of Bojnourd, much attention has been paid to residential use, construction, and sale and purchase of residential units. On the other hand, the low per capita of commercial land uses, parking spaces, new land uses, educational and health per capita, etc. have not been emphasized and the lack of services and urban facilities will be the most important challenge of these neighborhoods, and the main reason has been the lack of proper implementation of comprehensive and detailed urban and the reconstruction plans, an unfair division of land uses among citizens and the lack of attention of managers to this issue. Thus, the physical and functional bases of the texture are not suitable for achieving added value and recreating the area in order to preserve and revitalize the native identity and improve its quality.


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