Spatial analysis of hotspots crimes in the physical texture of Pakdasht

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Extended Abstract
Over time, criminologists have found that specific locations influence the occurrence of crime. As in the past few decades, spatial analysis theories in criminology have shifted from focusing on the motivation of criminals to study crime points. In fact, some locations have a greater chance of occurring due to the physical and environmental characteristics as well as the social, cultural, and economic features of the inhabitants; on the contrary, some places are a barrier to criminal opportunities. Therefore, it can be said that identifying the factors in the incidence of crime is the first step in combating social depravity, because by eliminating these factors or reducing their effects can prevent or at least reduce the level of delinquency in society. Pakdasht has been subject to rapid physical and demographic growth bans over the past few decades due to the growth of informal housing and disrupted urban development, and the physical characteristics of the city have had an impact on environmental quality in terms of crime. Therefore, the key question in the present study is as following: what is the relationship between the physical texture of the city and the patterns of robbery crimes occurrence in Pakdasht? For this purpose, to analyze the pattern, extent and distribution of urban crime, the relationship between the physical texture of the city and the pattern of robbery crimes has been investigated.
The research method of this study is descriptive-analytical and in terms of purpose is an applied one. Also is based on library and field studies. The statistical population of this study was 302 cases of robbery. Mapping Clusters toolkit from ArcGIS software was used for spatial distribution and spatial representation of hot and cold physical textures of Pakdasht. Also to explore the pattern trends affecting physical parameters (passages width, building life, construction quality, size of discrete components, passages lighting, passage coverage, presence of demolished buildings, physical quality and building materials) on crimes, GWR was used.
Results and Discussion
The distribution of the robbery crimes perpetration place in the city shows that they have a cluster pattern in the central part of the city. Accordingly, the pattern of delinquency in Pakdasht city and most of the crimes of robbery occurred near the main streets and the central part of the city and other areas of the city have a lower crime density than these neighborhoods, which is evidence of the accumulation of delinquency patterns in certain areas of the city. hotspots have also been formed from Shahid Motahari Street Clock Square to Mamazani Head. There is also a focal point behind the municipality (Elihiya), that one of the reasons could be the high level of burglary of residential homes. Another pattern is in the sand and branch area, which is the informal settlement area. In this regard, the Local R2 coefficient for the model of impact of physical indicators on crime occurrence in Pakdasht is between (0/39 – 0/00), which means that the correlation between the independent variable (physical indicators) and the dependent variable (crime) is high in red areas of the city and contrariwise. In fact, locally and spatially, it indicates that the extent of the influence of physical indicators on crime is greater. For example, in areas of the city with poor lighting, crime rates are also high. Therefore, the greatest impact of physical factors and the interdependence between the framework and the occurrence of crime are in the marginal areas of the city that constitute the old texture areas of the city, as well as in areas known as worn-out and informal settlement.
According to the physical indicators of Pakdasht informal settlements (passage width, construction life, construction quality, size of segments, lighting and passages, passage coverage, presence of demolished buildings, dominant physical quality in the neighborhood and building materials), physical factors are directly related to occurrence of a crime. As such, the greatest impact of physical factors and the relationship between framework and crime occurrence has taken place in the marginal areas (Elahiyeh Phase 2 and Ghoute and Jito crossroads) and near the worn-out and informal settlement of the city (Zeinabieh and Imamzadeh Ghoueh) and the central district is less correlated with the predisposing physical factors due to its location in the downtown area and to some extent the importance of safety issues in buildings. The coefficient (Local R2) on impact of physical indicators on crime occurrence model in Pakdasht shows in terms of  locally and spatially that the effect of physical indicators on crime occurrence is greater so that the most influence of physical factors and dependence between framework and crime occurrence has occurred in the suburbs near the worn-out texture and informal housing of the city due to the specific conditions of the turbulence and worn-out texture, and crime rates have been high in areas of the city where illumination and lighting are inadequate.


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